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Title: The Use of Ultrasound in pipette‐tip solid‐phase extraction based on CuS@ZnS@Fe3O4‐CNTs for pre‐concentration of tartrazine in water samples
Journal: Applied Organometallic Chemistry
Author: 1. Abbas Ostovan, Hamideh Asadollahzadeh, 2. Mehrorang Ghaedi
Year: 2018
Address: 1. Department of Chemistry, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran 2. Department of Chemistry, Yasouj University, Yasouj 75918‐74831, Iran
Abstract: This paper report a novel strategy for synthesis and application of CuS@ZnS@Fe3O4‐CNTs composite which has great potentials as artificial receptor for tartrazine trapping due to its ultrahigh surface area and functionality which is related to application of electrochemical route. A durable and economical pipette‐tip CuS@ZnS@Fe3O4‐CNTs nano‐composite miniaturized solid phase extraction coupled with UV‐Vis spectrophotometry was developed for clean‐up and determination of tartrazine from various water samples. Undoubtedly, presence of mild‐intensity/frequency ultrasound irradiation played a key role for reducing consumption of eluent volume by broking hydrogen bonds between retained analyte and sorbent. The influence of factors including pH, sorbent dosage, sonication time and eluent volume were investigated and optimum conditions were obtained using experimental design methodology. Under optimized conditions, good extraction efficiencies for the analyte were obtained with no matrix interference in the subsequent UV‐Vis. Good linearity for tartrazine in the range of 20‐5000 ng mL‐1 with correlation coefficients of R2 ≥ 0.99 and low detection limit close to 4.76 ng mL‐1 reveals high applicability of method for trace analysis.
Keywords: CuS@ZnS@Fe3O4‐CNTs nanocomposite, pipette‐tip solid‐phase extraction, tartrazine, ultrasound irradiation, water samples
Application: Extraction
Product Model 1: Syringe Pump
Product Model 2:
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